IMG_8995 - Elizabeth Ramich

Elizabeth Ramich

Commitment: N/A
Grade Year: 2026
Position: Midfield/Defense
High School: Charlotte Catholic High School

Personal Statement: 

Field hockey has been the center of my life ever since I started playing. I have made amazing relationships with coaches and teammates. Charlotte Ambush is an incredible club that has created such a positive atmosphere for me. I have had ongoing support throughout my journey to become a better player and have learned so many skills and ways to improve. Over the years I have learned how vital it is to communicate on the field as well as know where my teammates are. As a player it is important to me to improve my skills and work my hardest at each and every practice. I always try to be a leader for those players who are younger than me and help them reach there full potential on the field. 


Field Hockey Honors/Accomplishments:

I got selected as one of the 2022 Spring Season Ambush All-Stars. The selection were based on the Ambush Win As One philosophy meaning they chose athletes based on their improvement, positive attitude, dedication to their teammates and their skills/game performance.


Field Hockey Experience:

2022: U16 Select Lavender, Nashville Jamboree, 2022 Sunshine Showcase, HITT Club, Charlotte Ambush Camps, Charlotte Ambush Training

2021: Indoor Rec, Holy Trinity Middle School 8th grade team, 2021 Sunshine Showcase, U14 Select Alpha, Charlotte Ambush Camps, Charlotte Ambush Training

2020: Holy Trinity Middle School, U14 Select, Charlotte Ambush Camps, Charlotte Ambush Training

Other: 6th grade Interscholastic Ambush league, 6th grade indoor



Academic Achievements:

National Junior Honors Society, High Honor Roll, I took 2 high school classes in 8th grade (Latin 1 and Algebra 1)