Who: Beginner’s, Intermediate – anyone who wants to play. Teams will be organized by school or teammate request.
Divisions: 5th & 6th Graders, 7th & 8th Graders, High School
When: Sun 1/12, Sun 1/19, Sun 1/26, Sat 2/1, Sun 2/9, Sun 2/16
Where: Bessant Field @ Queen's University
Cost: $225, price increases to $250 after Dec 15.
Click here to register.
Program Overview: 30 minute warm up followed by a game. Schools will be asked to provide a coach for 5th&6th Grade teams. Ambush will provide coaches for 7th-12th grade teams.
Phone Number: 980-272-8202
E-mail: info@charlotteambush.com
Address: 9535 Monroe Rd, Suite 170
Charlotte, NC 28270