Time off the Turf – Sarah Minges
Alumni Spotlight
Sarah Minges - Junior @ Davidson
Playing field hockey this fall was an extremely rewarding experience after coming off an ACL injury. I was able to play in my first collegiate season as a rookie junior. After missing out on two seasons, where I encountered many challenges, I came back even stronger than before my injury. I learned a lot about who I am as a player, teammate and communicator which has allowed me to appreciate field hockey more than ever.
Off the field, I have really enjoyed my academics where I am pursuing a major in economics and minoring in data science. Attending a small liberal arts college has exposed me to a variety of classes where I have taken courses ranging from physics, economics and even theatre (I have no acting ability at all). I have greatly appreciated the academic and career mentors I have at Davidson who have aided in my interest in economics and introduced me to a relatively new study of data science.
Outside of field hockey, I am a member of the Connor eating house at Davidson which is the Davidson form of sororities. Connor house has a large philanthropy aspect to it and a long-term history of raising money and working alongside Bosom Buddies. We raise money to primarily spread awareness for early detection of breast cancer which is known as the Earlier Breast Cancer Test. Currently, we are concentrating our efforts on the upcoming Bosom Buddies Gala on April 1st. If you are interested in learning more about Bosom Buddies please visit this link: https://earlierorg.salsalabs.org/bosombuddies2023/index.html.