Travel - 2024/2025
ELITE: U12, U14, U16, U19
Elite Season: November 2024 to May/June 2025
Programming: Indoor, Outdoor
ELITE PREP: U14, U16, U19
Elite Prep is two seasons, winter and/or outdoor. You can choose either or both.
Tryouts Sept 14 & 15 for all divisions & skill levels
Indicate during registration if you prefer Elite or Elite Prep.
Note: There is not a U12 Elite Prep division. We encourage U12s who have done 1+ years of academy to tryout for Elite if you want the next level.
8Parent Question and Answer Session
SEASON DETAILS (Program Outline,Cost, Tentative Schedule)
do NOT email tryout conflicts. USE THIS FORM. The week prior to tryouts those with conflicts will be notified regarding makeup details.